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How To: Add mixed numbers with uncommon denominators

How do you add mixed numbers with uncommon denominators? Well, this video provides a detailed step by step explanation as to how to go about such problems. It also provides an example and applies the required techniques to acquire the solution. The video is very precise in its instructions and does not skip any steps. Therefore, the viewer should have absolutely no problem understanding the concepts behind adding mixed numbers with uncommon denominators after viewing this simple and helpful v...

How To: Graph a straight line given its equation

Doug Simms who runs a page at free math tutoring shows in this video a very broken down process that can help you understand how to graph a straight line from an algebraic equation and why it is that way. On a smart projecting board, in a slide show creating software, he explains at a steady pace how to break down a line into its individual line intercepts and an extra point thrown in for verification. After that, he takes the points and puts them on a graph to show you how to. You'll just ha...

How To: Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions properly

In this video tutorial the instructor shows how to convert mixed numbers to improper fractions. The instructor gives a two step approach where in the first step he tells you to multiply the denominator with the whole number and add this result to the numerator. Now in the second and final step the previously obtained result is placed in the numerator with the original denominator giving you the answer. This video gives a clear cut two step approach of how to convert mixed numbers to improper ...

How To: Use the TOA formula in trigonometry

The video is a tutorial in trigonometry. The teacher teaches that the tangent or the tan of an angle is the ratio of the opposite side to the adjacent side of a right angled triangle. If one side and one angle is given then the value of the unknown side can be found by solving the equation tan of angle is equal to opposite upon adjacent side. If the angle is to be found then the tan inverse of the value is seen in the calculator.

How To: Find the volume of a regular pyramid

In this video, you will learn how to find the volume of a regular pyramid. Finding this volume is one of the basic steps in high school geometry. This tutorial will show you all of the steps and equations you need to solve this problem and soon you will be heading straight to the top of the class!

How To: Convert to a higher equivalent fraction

A representative from Math Problem Generator explains in this video that converting a simple fraction from its current state to a higher equivalent can be very simple. He explains the process neatly and provides a great example. To convert a fraction, you must multiply the numerator and the denominator by the exact same number. The example he shows is captured from the screen of a computer and is written out in some sort of a painting program. The example shows that four-ninths equals eight-e...

How To: Divide similar radicals

While dividing the radicals, the numerator and the denominator must be combined into a single term, for example if we want to divide square root of 3 by square root of seven we need to combine the numerator and denominator into a single factor that is square root of 3/7, then we can divide 3/7 which is 0.4285, and square root of 0.4285 is 0.654 which is the final answer.

How To: Find percent

Finding the percent of a given value is made simple and easy in this math tutorial video. In step one you must divide the part or the portion by the whole. As a result we obtain a decimal number. In step two, we must then move the decimal point two places to the right in order to convert the number into a percent value. This brief video tutorial illustrates the process in these two steps and makes it simple for anyone to be able to obtain a percent value for a portion of a whole.

How To: Convert between fraction, decimal & percent

This video is very informative in explaining the different ways to convert. The man in the video makes key points about the rules to make these conversions. He is also helpful in explaining how to convert from every type of number. A viewer watching this video will be able to understand the basics of converting and how to apply the rules.

How To: Find the coordinate of a point

In this video the author shows how to plot a point on the coordinate plane. He explains about the coordinate plane and shows how to read and write points to it with an example. He says that any point on the coordinate plane has an x, y- coordinate values. He says that for any point its projection on the x-axis is its x-coordinate and the points projection on y-axis is its y-coordinate. He shows how to find this out for a sample value and plots the coordinates of it. In this video the author u...

How To: Convert metric units

In this video the instructor shows how to convert between different metric units. He shows a three step approach to do this. He shows a hierarchy of units arranged from millimeters to kilometers etc. Now he says that the first step is to identify the current units of the values. Next you need to identify the units you want the value in. Next he asks you to see which direction you have to move in the graph and by how many places and now he says that to convert the value in the new units you ne...

How To: Expand fractions

This is an educational video from The Free Math Tutor which explains how and why should we expand fractions. This video is basically for kids who have just been introduced to fractions in mathematics.

How To: Divide larger numbers and do long division

This is video for how to divide large numbers by doing long division with easy methods. This video describes that dividing the "Dividend" with "Divisor" to get the "Quotient" and "Remainder" if they exist. In the given example first "25" taken as the Dividend and "5" is will be the Divisor. Divide this value the multiplication is needed. For above example "5*5=25" is the result so, the "Quotient" is "5".If the value is large for example "506" of dividend and "8" of divisor means, first we sho...

How To: Apply the 5th Law of Exponents

In this video the tutor explains the 5th Law of Exponents. He reminds the viewer that when polynomials are multiplied, their exponents get added. Now he states that when a polynomial is raised to another power, the exponents are multiplied instead of adding. The 5th Law of Exponents states that when a polynomial with a power 'a' is raised to a power 'b', then the final power of the exponents is the value of the product of the exponents, i.e., a * b. This video states the 5th Law of Exponents ...

How To: Divide fractions with a simple method

This video describes how to divide fraction values using simple method. Example we will take as in video "12" should be divided with "1/2" that is "12%(1/2)=?". This is the example we should solve. In first step we has to flip the "Denominator" to easily find the output. So now, we can rewrite the example as "(12/1)%(1/2)".It is in the form of division, when we convert it to multiplication it will change as "(12/1)/(1/2)" and then "(12/1)*(2/1). So, denominator "1/2" flipped to "2/1". In the ...

How To: Add two digit numbers

Addition got you down? An expert instructor from Khan Academy walks you through the mysteries of adding two numbers together by breaking it down into easy to understand terms. Fun animated chalkboard examples make it easy for kids and adults alike to learn how to add. Also demonstrates how to add using the number line. Introduces the concept of numbers less than zero. Includes addition of both large and small numbers, and how to carry over the numbers on more complex problems.

How To: Remember "greater than" & "less than" symbols

This video shows you how to easily remember "greater than" and "less than" math symbols. The first thing you have to remember is that "less than" symbol looks like the letter L ("less than" symbol is "<"). When you see this sign, remember that < looks like L and means "less than". The other symbol, "greater than" does not look like the letter L, therefore it cannot be "less than" and it's easier to remember. The "greater than" symbol is ">". That's it! Good Luck!

How To: Find y-intercept with an equation in point slope form

In this tutorial the instructor shows how to find the Y-Intercept given the equation of the line in Point-Slope form. He shows how to do this with an example. He tells to substitute the value of x to zero to find out Y-Intercept as Y-Intercept is nothing but the point where the line meets x-axis, where the value of x co-ordinate is zero. By watching this simple tutorial you can easily compute the Y-intercept of an equation in point slope form.

How To: Reduce a fraction in math

The above video is very informative to anyone who does not know the division of fractions. The author very neatly explains the meaning of a common divisor i.e. it is a number that divides two numbers evenly. Therefore, one must divide a fraction as many times until the remaining fraction has 1 as a divisor. It is very easy to find the common divisor. Both the numerator and the denominator must be divisible by that number. The author in the present video has done a good work.

How To: List the factors of a number

In this tutorial the author shows how to factor a number. He says that factoring means to find all the smaller numbers which can be multiplied to obtain the original number. He says that the number one and the number it self are the factors of every number. Now to find the factor of a number he starts with 2 and tries to divide that number with 2. If he is able to divide it, it implies that 2 is a factor of that number. He now does this with each and every number between 1 and the number it s...

How To: Divide decimals with Mr Binkley

This video is provided by Mr. Binley. Let's learn this with an example, let's say that we want to divide 0.492 by 0.4, the most important thing remember while dividing the decimal numbers is that we need to convert the divisor into a whole number, here we need to convert 0.4 into a whole number. To do this we need to move the decimal to the right, then 0.4 becomes 4, now do the same thing to the dividend (0.492), move the decimal to the same location that we followed while moving the decimal ...

How To: Find the surface area of a sphere

In this tutorial the instructor shows how to find the surface area of a sphere. He explains the equation to calculate the surface area of a sphere as 4 * Pi * r * r , where r its the radius of the sphere. Now if you have the radius of the sphere, by substituting its value in this equation and substituting the value of Pi, you can obtain the surface area of a sphere. If you want to compute the surface area of a sphere watch this video where it is clearly explained how to compute it along with ...

How To: Translate a shape

Learn how to translate shapes with a few simple steps. - First step: Find the new verticals under the transformation which are T3,2. Values are A=(-5,-8), B=(-3,-4), C=(-8,-3), D=(-6,1). Find the points of the verticals on the graph and connect the points one by one until you can get one shape.

How To: Understand the basics of exponent laws

Before you can effectively use exponents, it is necessary to understand the laws behind them. First, in order to multiply a number raised to an exponent, by that number raised to another exponent, just add the exponents: for example, 2^5 * 2^2 is 2^(5+2), or 2^7. In short, a^m * a^n = a^(m+n). Similarly, dividing a number raised to an exponent by that number raised to another exponent can be done by subtracting the exponents: a^m / a^n = a^(m-n). To raise a number raised by an exponent to ano...

How To: Solve rational inequalities (intermediate level)

Struggling with math homework? An expert instructor from Khan Academy helps you work your way through the challenges of solving more difficult rational inequalities. Provides fantastic animated examples that demonstrate helpful tips, overcoming common problems with inequalities, and "simplifying" the problems of inequality simplification! Covers tricky complications such as swapping inequalities, understanding constraints, working with negative numbers, and working with zeros in equations. Po...

How To: Understand the properties of a rhombus in Geometry

In this math tutorial the instructor discusses the properties of a rhombus. He begins by saying that the properties of a rhombus are similar to the properties of a square. He says that the rhombus is a quadrilateral and hence the sum of internal angles of it is 360 degrees. He says that four sides of a rhombus are equal in length. He says that a rhombus has two diagonals which cross each other at their mid points and are perpendicular to each other but says that the lengths of diagonals are d...

How To: Compare fractions

A short video teaching you how to compare fractions. Starting with two fraction like three fourths and two over twelve. You cross multiply the denominator or the bottom number of three fourths which is 4 with the numerator or the top number of the second fraction which is 2. So the 8 that you come up with goes under the two twelfths. Now you do the same for the two fraction this time multiplying the denominator 12 with the numerator 3 coming up with 36. So now you have 36 under three fourths ...

How To: Calculate circular velocity & acceleration

In this video the tutors explain about the concepts of Circular Velocity and Acceleration. She explains the concepts using a real world small experiments. She shows that the equation to calculate circular velocity is v = (2 * Pi * r) / T, where r is the radius of the circle the object moves in, and T being its time period. Now she takes the values from the experiment and calculates the velocity of the other tutor who is the object that runs around in the circle for the experiment. She even co...

How To: Divide basic numbers

This video shows you graphically how to learn to divide basic numbers. You are first shown how division works by dividing up money between cartoon characters, and this is then translated into a proper mathematical equation. The teacher does a very good job of showing us that division is an operation performed by everyone almost everyday at some level, and he also shows us how division is actually a reverse of multiplication. By watching this video, you'll be able to learn division of basic nu...

How To: Calculate the area of a rhombus

This is how to calculate the area of a rhombus. A rhombus is a quadrilateral shape in which all sides are congruent. A rhombus has two sets of parallel lines, the diagonals of which form 90-degree angles at the point they meet. Also the angles opposite to one another are congruent. The area of a rhombus can be gotten by multiplying both the diagonals and then dividing the total by 2. Say one of the diagonals is 10 and the other is 12, the area will be 10 x 12 = 120/2 = 60. That is how to calc...

How To: Use the Empirical Rule w/ standard normal distribution

In this video tutorial the instructor explains about the concepts of standard normal distribution and the empirical rule and how to use it to solve an exercise. He starts by explaining about standard normal deviation saying that in a standard normal deviation the value of mean is zero and the value of standard deviation is one. Now he draws the standard normal deviation by drawing a bell curve on an axis. Now he points the mean and standard deviations on it. Now using these concepts he goes o...

How To: Write a slope-intercept equation perpendicular to line

In this tutorial the instructor shows how to write a Slope-intercept equation that is perpendicular to a line and passes through a point. He shows how to do this by solving an example with sample values. He says that the slope of a line perpendicular to the original line is the negative inverse of the slope of original line. Now he writes down the slope value in the general equation y = mx + c, and by substituting the sample value in the equation he obtains the value of the Y-intercept c, thu...

How To: Find the volume of a cone

For anyone who is learning geometry and would like to learn or to review how to find the volume of a cone, this is the video for you to watch. The video provides you with both the simple formula for a cone as well as various examples which you can use to practice. The formula for finding the volume of a cone is 1/3 x pi x r^2 x h, where r is the radius of the base circle of the cone and h is the height of the cone.

How To: Draw a circle with a compass for Geometry

The first thing you have to do is draw a line of the same length as the radius of the circle you want to draw. Then, open the compass the same size as the line length you draw is. Rotate the compass and you will create a circle. Please note that drawing this on a single sheet of paper can be difficult because the paper can move. Also, you can try rotating the paper, instead of the compass.

How To: Solve inverse proportions

This video tutorial shows how to solve inverse proportions. The tutor says that in inverse proportion it works differently than in the direct proportion. He says that in inverse proportion more means less or less means more. He uses the example of driving a car to illustrate his idea. He says that if you drive a car with more speed, you take less time to reach a place i.e. here more speed means less time. He goes on and solves a problem involving inverse proportion explaining how to solve the...