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How To: Find the perimeter & area of a complex figure

In this video tutorial the author shows how to find the perimeter and area of a complex figure. He shows that a complex figure can be subdivided into standard geometric figures. In the current example he divides the complex figure into a rectangle and a triangle. Now he computes the perimeter by adding the three sides of the rectangle and the two sides of the triangle. Similarly he computes the individual areas of the rectangle and the triangle and finally adds then up to find the area of the...

How To: Find a slope of a straight line with: Ax + By + C = 0

In this video the instructor shows how to find the slope of an equation which is in the form Ax + By + C = 0. He says that the formula to find the slope of a line in the above form is slope m = -A/B, where A and B are the numeric constants of the variables x and y in the given equation. He goes on and further shows how to do this with a couple of examples. He shows how to reduce any equation into the general form and how to apply the slope formula then. This video shows how to find the slope ...

How To: Find the standard deviation with the Z-Score formula

In this tutorial, we learn how to find the standard deviation with the Z-Score formula. First, take your problem and write it out one by one underneath each other. Then, you will need to substitute the numbers in for the variables that are in the problem. Once you do this, you will follow the basic rules of math to find out what the answer to the problem is appropriately. Once you have done this, finish off the problem to find the answer, then you will have found the standard deviation using ...

How To: Solve basic linear function word problems in algebra

Need some help solving linear function word problems? See how it's done with this free video math lesson. Need help finding the From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps (or just finish your homework or study for that next big test). With this installment from Internet pedagogical superstar Salman Khan's series o...

How To: Express inequalities using interval notation

With all the subjects offered in junior high and high school, math isn't a favorite for many. It can often times be confusing and although the results are concrete and don't require anybody to be imaginative, it can still pose a problem. In this tutorial, you'll find out how to express inequalities using interval notation. Good luck and enjoy!

How To: Solve a 2x2 system of linear equations with inverses

See how to solve a two-by-two system of linear equations using inverses (derived from determinants). Learn how with this free video lesson. From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps (or just finish your homework or study for that next big test).

How To: Find the x & y intercepts of rational functions

In this tutorial the instructor shows how to find the x and y intercepts of rational functions. Finding the intercepts of a rational function is similar to finding the intercepts of other normal equations. You can find the x intercept of the equation by setting the value of y to zero and solving the equation. Similarly you can solve the y intercept by setting the value of x to zero and solving the equation. Now while solving this rational function for intercepts if you face a situation where ...

How To: Understand velocity, acceleration, and free fall

In this video the author explains the various concepts like speed, velocity, free fall speed etc., Speed tells you how fast you are going, i.e. it is distance divided by time taken to travel it. Velocity is nothing but speed along with direction. Now she tells that acceleration is used to measure the rate of change in velocity. So she says that acceleration is difference in velocity divided by the time. She also explains that there can be acceleration with out change is speed as there can be ...

How To: Calculate percentage

Not sure exactly how to calculate a twenty percent tip for your waitress? Or how about how to figure out how much less your cost will be with that thirty percent off tag? Use these steps to calculate percentage, without a calculator.

How To: Use ">" (greater than) and "<" (less than) symbols

In this video the author explains how to identify the less than (<) and greater than (>) symbols and when to use them. She explains to us to relate the numbers to animals stating that the smaller numbers are smaller animals and bigger numbers are bigger animals. Now she tells us to imagine that smaller animals are eaten up by the larger animals. So she shows a smaller number comes on the left side of '<' sign and bigger number comes on the right side of '<' sign stating that the bigger number...

How To: Find standard deviation

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to calculate the standard deviation of a data set. The standard deviation of a statistical population, a data set, or a probability distribution is the square root of its variance. To calculate the standard deviation, users will need to follow these steps. 1) Find the mean of the data. 2) Subtract the mean from each data point. 3) Square each of the values you got in step 2. 4) Then find the mean of the values you get from step 3. 5) Finally, square r...

How To: Remember "greater than" & "less than" symbols

This video shows you how to easily remember "greater than" and "less than" math symbols. The first thing you have to remember is that "less than" symbol looks like the letter L ("less than" symbol is "<"). When you see this sign, remember that < looks like L and means "less than". The other symbol, "greater than" does not look like the letter L, therefore it cannot be "less than" and it's easier to remember. The "greater than" symbol is ">". That's it! Good Luck!

How To: Change Fahrenheit to Celsius

This video is a tutorial on how to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit. The title of the film says it will teach you how to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, but it does not. It does just the opposite. The video begins by comparing Fahrenheit and Celsius. He points out that Fahrenheit measures water to freeze at 32 and water to boil at 212. Celsius measures water to freeze at 0 and water to boil at 100. To convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, multiply the Celsius temperature by 1.8 and add 32. Many countrie...

How To: Compute a square root using the geometric method

With mathematics, as with anything else, not everyone progresses at the same rate. Happily, in the age of Internet video tutorials, this isn't a problem. Those who progress quickly can go beyond what's being taught them and those who are struggling likewise have all the time in the world to catch up. With this free video math lesson, you'll learn how to calculate the value of a square using using geometry.

How To: Simplify a quadratic formula result

In this video the tutor shows how to simplify a quadratic formula result. You can solve a quadratic equation using the quadratic formula. The first thing you have to do when given the quadratic equation is bring all the terms to one side so that you have a zero on the other side of the equals to sign. Now the formula to calculate the roots of the quadratic equation ax*x + bx + c = 0 is x = (-b + root of(b*b - 4*a*c) ) / 2 * a. The other root can be obtained by using the minus sign before the ...

How To: Find a number given Its percent

This how-to video is about how to find a number when its percent is given. This video is really helpful and effective in finding the number when the percent is given, the following steps are explained in the video to find the number when its percent is given:

How To: Prove a triangle inscribed in a circle is right angled

When a triangle is inserted in a circle in such a way that one of the side of the triangle is diameter of the circle then the triangle is right triangle. To prove this first draw the figure of a circle. Now draw a diameter to it. It can be any line passing through the center of the circle and touching the sides of it. Now making this as the side of a triangle draw two lines from the ends of the diameter to a point on the circle. Now join the center of the circle to the other vertex of the cir...

How To: Divide small numbers by big numbers

This is a mathematical educational video on how to divide a small number by a larger number. You are aware that it is easy to divide a larger number by a small number. For example, if you want to divide 379 by 9 it is easy to do so. But if you have to divide 9 by 379 it is a bit difficult. You have to add a zero and see if you can divide. You need to add one more zero so that you can divide 900 by 379. But you should know that the answer would start like this 0.0 as we have added 2 zeros alre...

How To: Find the volume of a swimming pool

In this video, we learn how to find the volume of a swimming pool. To do this, you will first need to find the measurements of all the sides that are on the pool. After this, you will plug in the measurements that you found into the equation to find the volume. This equation is: V=AH, volume= area(height). So, plug in the area and the height to the equation for A and H and then multiply these two together. Once you do this, you will find the answer! Don't forget to label the units on the fina...

How To: Use and find x & y-intercepts in algebra

A straight line can be represented in the form of a liner equation containing two variables x and y. When the equation is graphed on a pair of coordinate axes, the line passes cut through the axes in two points. The point where the line cuts the x-axes is called as its x coordinate and the point where the line cuts the y-axes is called as its y coordinate. In this way a line has x-intercept and y-intercept. The x-intercept of a line lies on x axes and is in the form (a,0). Similarly the y-int...

How To: Use a TI-89 to calculate nCr

This video shows you how to do a mathematical representation on computing the nCr function using a TI-89 calculator. You can write the nCr notation in different forms. It can be simplified from nCr to C(n,r). The symbol can either be read "n choose r" or "n taken r at a time" which are from it's probability applications. On the example to find "26 choose 17", go to the Home screen of the TI-89 calculator and then go 2nd 5 which is Math. Go choose probability and then to nCr to type in (26,17)...

How To: Multiply & Divide Numbers (Basic Elementary Math)

Adding and subtracting may be the easiest of mathematical operations, but once you get it down, multiplication and division can be just as easy. That's why it's called elementary arithmetic. If it were harder, it would be called college algebra or trigonometry. But it's not— it's basic math, and once you get your head around the numbers, you'll never hate math class again! (Okay, maybe you will.)

How To: Use probability to predict weather

In this video, we learn how to use probability to predict weather. Probability is the chance of something happening. If you want to know what the weather is going to be like, you can look at the weather report and see what each day is going to do throughout the week. Ask yourself what the probability is that the weather will be cloudy, judging from what the current work week weather is. First, figure out how many days there are total and then find out how many are cloudy versus how many are s...

How To: Rationalize square roots

In this tutorial, we learn how to rationalize square roots. You cannot have square roots in the denominator of an equation. You need to multiply so the square root goes away. You can do this by multiplying the top and bottom of the equation by the bottom denominator. From here, this will make the square root go away, so your equation will be normal numbers. After you have done this, you will have the equation answered and you will be able to simplify it to find the end answer. You can do this...

How To: Determine if you have a function

In this tutorial, we learn how to determine if you have a function. You will start off with two functions and their points. The 'x' values make up the domain of the function and the 'y' values make up the range. The input values are the domain and the output are the range. If you're checking to see if you have a function, you will need one 'y' for every 'x'. This means that each value has another one that goes with it. Each of the points need to have one partner with them, no more and no less...

How To: Divide a two-digit number into a three-digit number

With this free video math lesson, you'll learn how to do long division with double and triple-digit numbers. With mathematics, as with anything else, not everyone progresses at the same rate. Basic math is no exception. Happily, in the age of Internet video tutorials, this isn't a problem. Those who progress quickly can go beyond what's being taught them and those who are struggling likewise have all the time in the world to catch up.

How To: Divide and give an answer as a fraction

In this video we learn how to divide and give an answer as a fraction. If you are starting out with a simple fraction, you will simply take the number before the divide sign on the top and the second number on the bottom. If you end up with a number that is able to be simplified, make sure you take it down to it's most simple version possible. You can end up with a top heavy fraction, which means there will be whole numbers involved. Do the division to figure out how many times the bottom num...

How To: Find the surface area of a cube

In this video, we learn how to find the surface area of a cube. Finding the surface area of a cube is something everyone will have to do in math. The easy formula to figure out this is: surface area= side x side x 6. Your first step to figuring out the problem is to find the length of a side. Once you have found this, you will substitute and evaluate the numbers in the equation. After this, write the units in for the problem. You will then come up with the answer of the equation with the unit...

How To: Divide numbers with exponents

In this tutorial, we learn how to divide numbers with exponents. The quotient rule states that we can divide two powers with the same base by subtracting the exponents. With the same base, you can subtract the exponents to get something that would be the answer. For example, if you have 6(to the fourth) divided by 6(to the second), this would come to equal 6(to 4-2). This would break down to equal 6(to the second power). Once you have this, you will be able to do the math for this and figure ...

How To: Understand special quadrilaterals

In this tutorial, we learn how to understand special quadrilaterals. A quadrilateral is a shape with four sides. Three figures of these are: kites, parallelograms, and trapezoids. Two types of parallelograms are the rhombus and the rectangle. Rectangles have four right angles. A square is also a parallelogram, which has four right angles and two congruent sides. A square is always a rhombus a parallelogram is always a quadrilateral and a kite is always a quadrilateral. The parallelogram is so...

How To: Bisect a line segment

In this tutorial, we learn how to bisect a line segment. First, you need to adjust your compass so the distance from the sharp part and the drawing part is the size of the line. Then, put the sharp part on one side and draw your arc with the pencil. Do this on both sides of the line so your image shows two arcs that intersect each other. Since you have these two intersecting lines, you can draw a line between these to show where the middle of the line would be. Use a ruler to draw this straig...

How To: Graph a parabola properly in vertex form

This video shows viewers who are interested in mathematics how to graph a parabola whose formula is displayed in vertex form, or the form y=a(x-h)^2+k, where the vertex is (h, k). After determining the vertex, plot it on your graph. After graphing your vertex, your axis of symmetry would be x= h, or the x-coordinate of your vertex. The a value in your equation will act as your slope in this case, and your should graph the two points which correspond to this slope on your plot 1 unit away on e...

How To: Solve rate problems in algebra

From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps (or just finish your homework or study for that next big test). With this installment from Internet pedagogical superstar Salman Khan's series of free math tutorials, you'll learn how to work with and solve rate problems in algebra using the distance formula.

How To: Apply exponent rules in basic algebra

Looking for a guide on how to work with exponents in algebra? See how it's done with this free video algebra lesson. From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps (or just finish your homework or study for that next big test).

How To: Evaluate a telescoping series using partial fractions

Looking for a primer on how to solve a telescoping series using partial fractions? See how it's done with this free video college algebra lesson. From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps (or just finish your homework or study for that next big test).

How To: Use Maclaurin/Taylor series to find accurate integrals

See how to approximate a definite integral to a desired accuracy using Maclaurin/Taylor series and the alternating series estimation theorem with this free video calculus lesson. See how it's done with this free video algebra lesson. From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps (or just finish your homework or study...

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