Hot Math How-Tos

How To: Plot a real number on a number line

This video tells you how to plot a real number on a number line. For example consider -3.1. You know -3.1 lies between -3 and -4. You also know -3.1 lies very close or next to 3. So all you have to do is, put a point just before -3. Now you have marked -3.1 on a number line. Similarly you can point any real number on a number line. It is quite an easy job to plot real numbers on a number line.

How To: Do long division quickly

In this `Math Made Easy' tutorial the instructor shows how to perform Long Division. He gives a simple four step approach where in the first step he shows to divide the first left most number by the divisor and this gives the quotient. Now he shows to multiply the quotient with the divisor to get a value which is to be subtracted from the original divided number. Now in the third step he shows how to bring down the next digit and finally in the last step he asks to perform the same procedure ...

How To: Multiply similar radicals

This video shows how to multiply similar radicals. The basics of doing this is to multiply the root of the radicals. For instance, if you have the cubed root of 14 multiplied by the cubed root of 3, you would only multiply the root numbers. Thus, your answer would be the cubed root of 42. The exercises in this video show a few basic examples, but they can help you down the road when completing more complex problems that involve multiplying similar radicals.

How To: Understand the properties of a parallelogram

This video describes the properties of a parallelogram. It states that it is a quadrilateral, meaning that the four angles inside have to add up to 360 degrees. Both sides of the parallelogram are always going to be parallel. Also, both sides are congruent, as well as the opposite angles. It also has two diagonals that intersect at a midpoint. This video will teach you the main properties of a parallelogram and help you better understand its angles and the physical makeup of it.

How To: Multiply two fractions together

This video demonstrates the simplest method for multiplying fractions. According to the tutor, one should first identify the highest common factor with which to reduce the two fractions, by themselves, and in relation to each other. The numerators of the two fractions are multiplied and the product is written down as the numerator of the resultant. The same operation is carried out on the denominators of the two fractions, resulting in the denominator of the resultant fraction. The final answ...

How To: Solve multi-step equations with absolute values

This educational math video describes the steps necessary to solve an equation involving absolute values. "Absolute value" refers to the magnitude of a quantity and is always expressed as a positive number. You can think of absolute value as the distance a number would be from zero if plotted on a number line. Positive 17 and negative 17 both have the same absolute value because both are 17 units from zero on a number line. Because of this, all absolute value problems have two answers, one wh...

How To: Do multiplication

For people who are learning how to multiply, this video will show you easily how to multiply numbers with more than one decimal place. Starting with your rightmost digit on your bottom number, multiply with your top number as if you were doing a simple multiplication problem. After you have finished, place a 0 below the rightmost number of your product as a place holder and continue to multiply with your next digit in the bottom number. After you have completed this for all your numbers, you ...

How To: Find the area of a ring w/ the areas of 2 circles

Doina Popovici's video explains how to calculate the area of a ring. She takes us really slow, down to all the steps of this process. It's very important that she explains every math formula and operation so you cannot get lost into this solving. The video uses nice pictures and colors in order to make learning easier and nicer for those who are interested. At the end of the video you'll surely be able to solve by yourself a problem like that and your appetite for geometry will grow significa...

How To: Find an inscribed angle w/ corresponding arc degree

In this tutorial the instructor shows how to find an inscribed angle when its corresponding arc degree is given. He shows how to do this with the help of an example. He states that the angle of arc degree is always twice the angle of its corresponding inscribed angle. So now to find out the angle of the inscribed angle we just need to divide the corresponding arc degree by two. In this video the instructor shows a simple way to find the inscribed angle when its corresponding arc degree is given.

How To: Subtract fractions with common demoninators

A simple video showing how to subtract fractions with common denominators. The denominators is the bottom number of a fraction and the numerator is the top number. So in the fraction of one half 1 is the numerator and 2 is the denominator. If you have fractions with same denominator you can subtract the numerators to find the difference. After the subtracting the numerators add the common denominator to complete the fraction. So five sevenths subtracted by one seventh equals four sevenths. If...

How To: Understand & calculate percentages with word problems

This video begins with teaching of percentage lesson. He is also teaching conversion of percentage to decimal and vise verse. This teaching is using advanced technology note pad when he goes on writing on pad that will display on screen. He is telling that percent 35% in decimal it is .35 and if decimal 2 it is 20% in percent. And he was teaching how to convert fraction to percent by taking one example 7/8 , to convert this first we have to divide 7 by 8 then we get answer .875 then to conver...

How To: Divide two fractions quickly and easily

Need to learn how to divide two fractions? This one minute instructional video will teach you the steps to teach you how to divide. It will take you through the simple process and will make it much clearer. With notes on the side of each step learning to divide will become a breeze. Highlighted notes and numbered steps will make it possible for you to learn the simple process of dividing two fraction and that will later on help you tackle bigger division problems.

How To: Solve for fractions with common denominators

This a simple video illustrating the process of addition involving fractions which have common denominators. The method is really quite easy and straightforward, as demonstrated by this video. One has to simply take the denominator of the sum as the same which is the common denominator of the two fractions being added. Then, one has to take the two numerators, add the, and write their sum as the numerator of the fraction which forms the sum. Finally, the resultant fraction should be reduced b...

How To: Measure angles with a protractor in Geometry

Confused with how to use your protractor for Geometry homework? In this helpful video, Doug Simmons from free math tutoring provides easy to understand classroom examples explaining how to use both sets of numbers on your protractor. Provides easy to remember rules that will keep you from fumbling with the common confusions of protractor use. Doug also explains common mistakes that you should avoid in order to start getting the right answers in your math problems. Finally, math tutorials at y...

How To: Calculate percentage with a calculator

This easy to understand video gives us two ways to calculate a percentage using a calculator. The video first shows us how to use the percent key on the calculator using the example of figuring out how much to tip at a restaurant. We can also convert a percentage to decimals before entering the information in the calculator and then just use simple multiplication. The instructions are easy to follow, as the video is less than a minute of watching someone use a calculator.

How To: Calculate percentages by example

In this tutorial the author explains of how to find percentages using examples. He explains that x percent of some number y is x multiplied by y and divided by 100. He goes on and explains this concept with numerous examples. He suggests a short cut to movie the decimal point of a number two digits to the left to divide that number by 100. The author demonstrates many more similar tricks and short cuts using which one can easily solve percentage problems. So if you are looking for a good tuto...

How To: Understand and find x and y intercepts

In this tutorial the author explains about the concept of X and Y intercepts in coordinate geometry. She uses a graph consisting of a line to explain the concept. She tells that Y intercept of a line is nothing but the value of Y coordinate where the line crosses the Y axis. Similarly she tells that X intercept is the x coordinate of the point where the line crosses the x axis. She demonstrates this example using a graph tool. In this video the tutor shows how to find the X intercept and Y in...

How To: Convert percents to decimals in math

There will be a time when the need to know how to convert a percent to a decimal will arise. Maybe it will be when trying to calculate a percentage discount on an item to be purchased. The item is 30% off, but what does that mean? How do you calculate the discount if the original price is $92? Learn how to easily convert percent to decimal by following these easy instructions. Percentage means "per 100." In other words, 50% means 50 per 100. The easiest way to convert percentage to decimal is...

How To: Evaluate expressions

Having trouble with evaluating expressions at school? This short and easy educational video will take you through the steps that will lead you to accomplishing these problems. It explains the easy process of substitution that will lead you to be able to evaluate the expression that will finally give you the answer. After viewing this video you will be able to tackle any problem dealing with evaluating expressions and will help you along with tackling other math problems in the future.

How To: Apply the 4th Law of Exponents

This how-to video is about Fourth Law of Exponents. Before going to see this let's first know what the fourth law of exponent says. The fourth law of exponents says that "any value other than zero brought to an exponent of zero is equal to one".

How To: Multiply integers

This video shows the basics of multiplying integers. The main point that people can struggle with is the variation of signs. When multiplying integers you must always be aware of the positive and negative numbers. When you multiply two numbers that have the same signs, both positive or both negative numbers, this will always generate a positive answer. If there is one positive and one negative number this will always lead to a negative answer. This video shows very basic problems of multiplyi...

How To: Multiply fractions with mixed numbers

This video teaches the viewer how to multiply fractions with mixed numbers. You would first need to multiply the denominator by the whole number, and then add the product to the numerator. This number is your new numerator and the new denominator is the same as before. For example, 2 1/5 = 11/5. Now you have an equation with fractions and no whole numbers. You may now proceed to multiply straight across. Multiply the numerators together to create a new numerator and do the same for the denomi...

How To: Find coordinates (ordered pair)

This video tells you how to identify the coordinates of an ordered pair from a given point. An ordered pair is denoted by (x, y). Normally a graph has two axis, the x and the y axis. Consider a point on the graph. It will surely be the intersection of two values and one value will be from the x axis and the other valve from the y axis. Find the two corresponding values of the given intersection point. The value on the x axis will be x and the value from the y axis will be y. Now you have got ...

How To: Calculate the acceleration of a car on inclined plane

In this video tutorial the instructor shows how to calculate the acceleration of a car on an inclined plane. He goes on to solve a problem he came across which is based on the acceleration of a car on an inclined plane. He shows how to solve this problem by showing how to extract the data from the question and draws a diagram to get a clear understanding of the problem. Now he marks the forces acting on the vehicle and goes on to specify his axes and how to split the components of force along...

How To: Use the Grouping factoring method

This video is about using the grouping factoring method. We're using a four term polynomial. There is a even number of terms. We can break them into two groups of 2. The first group of "2" the common factor is "a." The last group, the common factor is "-2b". The reason we use -2b is to assure that what is in the first group is the same as the second group. Because of the distributive property of multiplication over addition, we take the a-2b and put it in one bracket. Multiply by 3x+1. With 6...

How To: Divide mixed numbers quickly and easily

Dividing mixed numbers may seem like a complicated operation. However, this brief video makes it simple. The illustrations in this video show you step-by-step how to divide mixed numbers using a very simple method. It involves taking the reciprocal of the second fraction. This math tutorial takes you the rest of the way and simplifies mixed number problems.

How To: Solve direct proportions

You can solve any proportion using the fundamental rule of proportions. First you must build the proportion if you are given a word problem. Decide using logic whether it is a direct proportion (more on one side means more on the other). If so, find the parts of the equation that use the same units and make a fraction with these, putting the smaller number on top. The number left over is linked with one of the other two numbers in the fraction--use logic to figure out which. Put it in the sam...

How To: Understand the CAH formula

In order to find the cosine of a triangle in trigonometry, you will need to understand the CAH formula, part of the larger mnemonic of SOHCAHTOA, which outlines how to find the sine, cosine, and the tangent of an angle. The video offers accurate diagrams as well as examples in order for their viewers to better understand the CAH formula. The CAH formula simply outlines the fact that the cosine is equal to the length of the adjacent side of the triangle over the hypotenuse of the triangle. By ...

How To: Use the Difference of Squares factoring method

For more advanced math, you will need to use the difference of squares in order to factor certain polynomials. This video offers the basic technique for this factoring method as well as a few examples to get you started. In order for this factoring technique to work, you will need two numbers which are squares and are being subtracted from each other. The two factors will be the original numbers added to each other as well as subtracted from one another. This fast and simple factoring method ...

How To: Calculate acceleration of a car

This video teaches how to calculate the acceleration of a car. The information for this calculation is for a car that accelerates by 12 meters per second in a time of 3 seconds. So to calculate acceleration use the following formula: acceleration equals change of speed divided by time. So, using the information provided for this calculation, acceleration equals 12 meters per second divided by a time of 3 seconds. So this gives an acceleration of 4 meters per second squared.

How To: Deal with brackets in polynomial fractions

When dealing with brackets in polynomial problems the first thing you need to notice is if there is a negative sign before the bracket. If there is not then all you need to do is get rid of the bracket and combine similar terms. If there is a negative sign then you need to multiply everything inside the bracket by a negative 1. This will change all of the signs inside the bracket. This video is a quick demonstration that will help you when completing these problems.

How To: Solve math proportion problems

Look for a vertical or horizontal relationship in the given equation. In the horizontal or vertical side of the equation where both numerator and denominators are given, look for a multiplier to the smaller number so that the product is equal to the bigger number. Use this multiplier to multiply it with the smaller number on the other side of the equation and you will get the value of "x".

How To: Graph an equation in point-slope form

This video tells you how to draft an equation in point-slope form. Consider the equation (y+4) = 2(x+7) for example. The formula for the point-slope form is (y-y1) = m(x-x1). To plot the graph you have to identify m the slope, the x intercept x1 and the y intercept y1. In this equation the slope is 2 and (x1,y1). The x intercept according to the formula is -x1 but the given value is +7 so you have to figure out what will give you +7,only -(-7) can give you +7 so the point is -7 and now the y ...

How To: Factor & simplify different algebraic expressions

Math Made Easy offers some great SAT Test Prep. It helps you master the factoring and simplification of any kind of algebraic equation or expression. An expert math instructor provides easy to follow real-time chalkboard examples to help you work your way through step-by-step. It discusses when and when not to use the FOIL method. It demonstrates some of the most common factoring problems that you are likely to see on the SAT. With Math Made Easy, you don't have to let those trinomials scare ...

How To: Find the perimeter of a parallelogram

One thing that you will need to know in order to pass Geometry is how to find the perimeter of a parallelogram. Parallelograms are quadrilaterals with two pairs of parallel sides. It is not difficult to find their perimeter, but you will need to know a few steps. Check out this video for tips on how to do this in your math class and ace that big test.

How To: Find the volume of a cylinder quickly

In this video the tutor shows how to find the volume of a cylinder. He relates the cylinder to real world examples of cans etc. Now he states the formula of the volume of the cylinder as the area of the base circle multiplied by the height of the cylinder. So the formula turns out to be V = Pi * r * r * h, where r is the radius of the base circle and h is the height of the cylinder. He solves a sample example to give you the idea of the problem. This video shows you how to find out the volume...

How To: Understand adding and subtracting fractions

The video creator attempts to teach us how to add and subtract fraction. He goes very slowly and assumes that the viewer only has a very basic knowledge of math. He starts with a division of a pie. If we were to divide a pie into four pieces, you would get four pieces of a pie. If I ate one, there would only be three fourths of the pie left. He uses this basis in order to explain this mathematically.