Hot Math How-Tos

How To: Add fractions with uncommon denominators

This video shows you how to easily add two fractions with uncommon denominators. To add the two fractions you must translate the fractions into its higher equivalent form, with a common denominator. To find a common denominator, you must find the lowest multiple that both denominators can go into. You must multiply both the numerator and the denominator by a number, so that the denominator can go into the lowest common multiple you found earlier. Then, simply add the numerators and keep the s...

How To: Convert large numbers into scientific notation

Confused about scientific notation? In this informative video, Doug Simms from free math tutoring helps you work with large numbers more efficiently by converting them into scientific notation. Let this expert walk you through easy to understand marker board examples covering all of the basics of scientific notation, including exponents, decimals, and how to convert numbers back and forth between different notation forms. Don't let confusing science problems get you down when Doug Simms is ar...

How To: Derive a point-slope equation from a graph

Do the words point-slope equation send your head into a spin? Well hold on tight, because the has your cure? Here you can find a informative video about calculating slope, as well as finding points to substitute into the equation. After watching this video, you will be well prepared to produce a point-slope equation from any graph.

How To: Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions

The author in this tutorial shows how to convert mixed numbers into improper fractions. A mixed number has a big number to its left, a numerator for the fraction part and a denominator too for the fraction part. Now to convert the mixed number to improper fraction we first have to multiply the denominator with the big number and add numerator to it which results in a new numerator. Now the improper fraction is the new numerator divided by the previous denominator. The author explains this con...

How To: Divide a decimal number by a whole number

How do you divide a decimal number by a whole number? It seems complicated but it really isn't when you get down to it. To divide a decimal number by a whole number you have to start off by dividing it as if it were any other number. Take for example 13.5 divided by three. If the number had been 135 instead of 13.5 the answer simply would've been 45 but as there is a decimal at work here, we will adjust the answer accordingly. Place the decimal in the middle to give the correct answer which i...

How To: Graph linear equations in algebra

Need to graph a line but aren't sure quite where to begin? It's simple once you understand the whys and wherefores of solving for Y. In this eight-part mathematical video series, instructor Kent Murdic will teach you everything you need to ace your next alegbra test.

How To: Make a factor tree for the numbers 12 and 5

Making a factor tree is useful for us to see the factors of those numbers. Here we will take 12 and make a factor tree of it. Now we have to see those numbers with whom multiplication 12 comes. We will not take 1 and 12 here that is a obvious answer. We will take 3 and 4 there multiplication is 12. It will make the first branch of the tree now for the next branch we will take 3. 3 is a prime number 4 is not a prime number but multiplying 3*2*2 gives 12.

How To: Remember how to divide fractions with a song

In this video tutorial the author shows how to divide fractions by singing the songs "I Can Divide". He sings a wonderful and funny song about how he is petrified about fractions and in the song somewhere he says that to divide just invert and multiply. He says that division of fractions is nothing but multiplication of the first fraction with the inverse of the second fraction. He shows this trick in a funny manner by singing a song which is very catchy with humorous lyrics. This video conta...

How To: Perform long division

Having trouble with long division?? This educational instruction video will teach you how to correctly perform long division. The easy to follow steps will teach you the right technique and you will be able to solve those pesky long division problems in a flash. So if you want to improve your math skills or you just want to learn how to perform long division, watch this easy to follow instructional video that will teach you the simple way of tackling long division problems.

How To: Find X-bar with the Z-score formula

In this video tutorial it shows you how to find the x-bar by using the Z-score formula. In the beginning of this video the formula is displayed on the right, while the values that you need to plug in are on the left. Once you plug in the values and do the cross multiplying, all you have to do is get x-bar by itself on one side of the equation. This is a simple problem on using the z-score formula to find x-bar, it can help you solve more complex problems in the future.

How To: Add & subtract fractions

This is a video that teaches how to add and subtract fractions. For fractions that have like denominators, you simply add the numerator and keep the denominator. Next, you reduce the fraction to its lowest term.

How To: Find the area of irregular shapes

This video explains how to find the area of irregular shapes. Draw the shape on a grid or graph paper. This will help you divide your shape into pieces. Draw dotted lines to divide the shape into squares, rectangles or triangles. For instance, if you have an "L" shape, you can divide the shape into two rectangles. Be sure your shapes do not overlap. Calculate the area of each individual shape. The graph paper will help you determine the length and width of each shape. Add the resulting areas ...

How To: Convert percents to fractions.

The video shows on a simple example how to convert a given percentage into a fraction. It requires basic knowledge about simplifying fractions. This how-to video does not feature spoken word or any kind of sound. The explanation is done with animated figures and explanatory written annotations. The ability to perform this conversion from a given percentage into a fraction can help putting a better imaginable picture to a percentage or make the solving of a mathematical calculation easier.

How To: Draw a rhombus from Geometry

In this video the author shows how to draw a rhombus when given with the values of long diagonal (D) and a short diagonal (d). Now he draws the long diagonal of size D horizontally on a sheet of paper. Now he points the mid point of the line as he explains that the diagonals of a rhombus meet at midpoints. So now he takes the ruler and draws an another line perpendicular to the first line through its marked mid point such that the length of the perpendicular line is d/2 both above and below t...

How To: Solve equations with variables on both sides

Confused in math class and need some extra help? This educational video gives instruction on how to solve mathematical algebraic equations. It shows you how to break an equation down and make them less scary to solve. Step-by-step instructions show you how to solve more complicate equations when there is a variable on both sides of the equation. An instructional video for students who need some extra help on their math homework, or parents who can't remember what they learned in high school.

How To: Divide basic fractions

For people who do not know how to divide basic fractions or who would like to refresh themselves or get some exercise in doing so, this video will show you a few quick and simple examples to get you started. In order to divide fractions, you will need to keep the first number the way it is and then take the second fraction which you are diving by and flip it upside down, so the numbers are reversed. You then multiply both the top and the bottom numbers together to get your final answer.

How To: Calculate acceleration in physics

So, you're speeding up.. on a skateboard, in a car, running.. and you want to calculate the rate at which you are traveling the faster you go? Check out this tutorial and learn a valuable physics lesson. This video will show you step by step how to calculate acceleration in physics and determine if an object is speeding up, slowing down or moving at a constant velocity. Acceleration is based on the direction of the object's velocity and acceleration vectors. That may seem like a mouthful, but...

How To: Subtract mixed numbers with common demoninators

In this tutorial the instructor shows how to subtract mixed numbers with common denominators. He explains the method using an example. He does this by subtracting the whole numbers separately and also subtracts the fraction parts separately. Now he finally puts both those results side by side and if the obtained result is not further deductible, it gives us a new whole number which is our desired result. If you want to learn how to subtract mixed numbers with common denominators watch this tu...

How To: Graph an inequality on a number line in Algebra

The video described here from [free math tutoring Freemathtutoring] teaches how to plot natural number on a number line in different situations. First, the author defines natural numbers, integers and real numbers. He then teaches different methods on how to plot natural numbers on a number line. The most important fact to remember is that natural numbers are greater than 0; they do not include negative numbers. Like wise, he explains different situations to plot natural numbers on a number l...

How To: Find the area of a triangle quickly and easily

Finding the area of a triangle is essential in mathematics. This video will show you how to ace that geometry test in a few simple steps. Not only will you learn how to find the area of a triangle in this video, you will learn to do so quickly and improve your test scores. Finding area is not difficult once you learn the basics.

How To: Use a formula to calculate the volume of a cube

Calculating the volume of a cube is very important in high school geometry classes. Calculating the volume of a solid can be confusing at first, but with a little practice you will be able to get it right. In this tutorial, high school math teacher Doug Simms teaches you exactly how to calculate the volume of a cube and offers examples so you can follow along. Listen to Mr. Simms and you will be at the top of your class!

How To: Multiply and divide fractions in math

One can learn, from watching this video, how to multiply and divide fractions. Prof. Alexander gives a discourse on multiplication and division of fractions in a simple, easy way. For multiplication, one should first look for highest common factor in the numerator of one fraction and the denominator of the other, and vice versa, and if found, carry out the reduction by that factor. Then the numerator of one fraction is multiplied by that of the other fraction, the same operation is carried ou...

How To: Multiply rational expressions in two "easy" steps

In this Math Made Easy tutorial the instructor shows how to multiply rational equations. He states that multiplying rational equations is simply a process of simplifying equations, in which he says that first the polynomial equations should be factorized. He further shows how to factorize the equations by solving an example. After factorizing them he reduces the common terms on the numerator and the denominator and finally arrives at the new simplified equation. This video clearly shows the m...

How To: Find the surface area of a rectangular prism

Have a 3 dimensional figure that you can not figure out the surface area? This video teaches the fundamental concepts and techniques of figuring out the surface area of a 3 dimension figure. In this video, the specific shape will be a rectangular prism. The video will assist its viewers in understanding and learning the process of how to find the surface area of this 3 dimensional figure. The method is simple and easy to learn. This is highly recommended to anyone with an interest in math.

How To: Understand the Rule of Corresponding Angles

This video explains about the rule of corresponding angles. When measuring the angle between the parallel lines (i.e.) Line1 and Line2 across the straight line. The angle A and angle B are equal. The angle C and angle D are equal. The angle E and angle F are equal. Finally angle G is equal to angle F. So, the angle between the parallel lines in all the angles are equal. Hence, this is the rule of corresponding angles. This video is very useful to basic high school geometry courses. Correspond...

How To: Subtract fractions with uncommon demoninators

In this tutorial the author shows an easy and simple way of subtracting fractions with uncommon denominators. He says that to subtract fraction with uncommon denominator, we need to make their denominators equivalent first and after making the denominators equal, you need to increase the numerators proportionally to maintain the original ratio of the fraction. Now as the denominators are same, we can directly subtract the numerators arriving at a new fraction. He further shows how to deduce t...

How To: Solve long division.

This video is about solving long division. Divide from the left most number. 95 can not go into 13 so 0 goes on top of 13. 95 goes into 132, 1 time. A "1" goes on top of the 132 and divide. Apply remainder with next number. Bring down next number to get 370. Apply remainder with next number. Repeat division to last number. Remember to include any remainder if the number does not divide evenly. Repeat steps 1 and 2. Since there are no more numbers to bring down, the remainder is "1". This vide...

How To: Read a tree diagram when studying probability

In this video the tutor shows how to read a tree diagram. He shows an example of a tree diagram and says that tree diagram represents the choices made by a student in a cafeteria by ordering different kinds of foods and the chain in which the they are ordered. Now every combination that a student can choose at their lunch is mapped out in the form of a tree diagram. Now any choice a real student takes at the cafeteria can be mapped out to the tree diagram through the different branches. Now t...

How To: Convert mixed numbers into improper fractions

For example consider 1 and 2/3. In this mixed fraction 1 is the whole number and 2/3 is the fraction. You simply have to multiply the denominator with the whole number and add the numerator to the resulting answer. Consider the fraction 1 and 2/3.All you have to do is multiply the whole number 1 with the denominator 3 which is step one and gives you 3 as a result and then add 2 the numerator to the result of step one that is add 2 with 3 and it will give you 5. Then just take the end answer a...

How To: Use the A-A Property to determine 2 similar triangles

Dougsimmsonline shows how to determine whether or not 2 triangles are similar. Not only does he go on to show that they are but he describes step by step how to do the math to find missing angles. He does this process twice to show one set of triangles being similar and show the other set of triangles as not being similar. Doug is using a large computer touch screen as his drawing board to show you how this process is done.

How To: Draw a right trapezoid in Geometry

Watch this video to learn how to draw a right trapezoid using given specifications for lengths of sides. A right trapezoid is a four-sided shape with two right angles and two parallel sides. First, draw the long base. Then draw a 90 degree angle at one end of the base, using a protractor. Mark the angle to show it is 90 degrees. Then draw another 90 degree angle at the top. This is the first video in a set--to finish learning you must watch the next segment. If you watch these videos you will...

How To: Divide mixed numbers

In this easy to understand video, intuitive instructions are given on how to divide mixed numbers. This video will help you quickly learn a fast and easy method for simplifying and then dividing mixed numbers. If you have ever gotten confused when trying to learn about mixed number division, this video will walk you, step by step, through the best process. The video contains a voice over and visual demonstration of how to do an example mixed number division problem.

How To: Calculate the area of any triangle

This video will show you simply how to calculate the area of any triangle using basic geometry formulas. Since a triangle is basically half of a rectangle, the formula for calculating the area of a triangle is base times height. This video offers some insight and examples provided to you by a teacher about how to apply this formula to various types of triangles, whether they are right triangles, equilateral, isosceles, or another form of triangle. By watching this video, you will be well prep...

How To: Find equivalent fractions

In this video the tutor explains about the concept of Equivalent Fractions and how to find them. She states that equivalent fractions are fractions with same value. She explains this with an example saying that a fraction can have many forms in their unreduced states and all these fractions will have the same value which can be obtained by reducing them. She shows that we can make an equivalent fraction of any fraction by multiplying the numerator and the denominator by the same number and go...

How To: Solve mixed equation with decimal, percent & fraction

This video shows the process to solve a mixed equation with decimal, percent and fraction. The presenter explains the process in a way, which is easy to understand. The video is candid and well presented. The video shows three ways to solve the problem. This can be done by converting the equation into fractions or decimals or percents. The video explains all the three ways in detail. The video is very simple and easy to comprehend. This video is a must for people wanting to learn mathematics.

How To: Find the volume of a solid object

This video shows the process of finding the volume of solid. The video is simple and easy to comprehend. The video takes the example of a rectangular solid and a solid cylinder to explain the method to find the volume. The video shows the step by step method to find the volume. The first step involves finding the area of base. After this, the area is multiplied by the height to find the volume. The unit of measurement is also taken into account in the video.

How To: Graph an inequality on a number line

Need a little help in understanding the number line and graphing an inequality? Great! Here you will learn a valuable lesson with this how to do video. A basic tutorial, it explains what kind of dot to use when you are graphing inequalities. Then it shows you how to place the dot on the line and where to draw the line in answer to the problem. If you are just beginning your pre-algebra, then this quick video will get you pointed in the right direction.