Hot Math Posts

How To: Understand the basics of velocity & acceleration

The video Understand The Basics of Velocity & Acceleration (301974) is a tutorial into the physics of position, velocity and acceleration. Each concepts are explained in terms of physical properties for the purpose of mathematical equations. Acceleration for instance is the increase in speed of an object in time. It is important to understand how these words are defined then translated into mathematical quantities in order to do problems in physics. With the correct understanding of forces an...

How To: Shade a system of inequalities

In this video the instructor shows how to shade a system of inequalities. He says that shading a system of inequalities is similar to shading a single inequality but in the former case you tend to shade more than one inequality in the same graph. He shows how to do that using an example set of inequalities and plots the lines on the graph. He uses dotted lines for lesser than or greater than inequalities and uses straight lines for inequalities which contains the equal to symbol. Now he shade...

How To: Add and subtract to solve equations

In this video the tutor shows how to add/subtract to solve equations. He says that when we are trying to solve simple equations we need to perform the same operation on both the sides of the equation i.e. if we are adding something on one side of the equation we need to add the same thing on the other side of the equation too. Similarly for the subtraction too. He says that by doing this we still maintain the equality of the equation. He shows how to do this with an example. This video gives ...

How To: Identify arithmetic sequences and find the nth term

This is a one of the coolest videos about arithmetic sequence, it has a very clear explanation about the arithmetic sequence formula and also more than one example which would help the viewer to learn this formula and its implementation in a easier way. This video is a also very helpful for the people who appear for interview since it is a very basic formula that every science student must remember.

How To: Understand conservative vector fields

A conservative vector field is defined as being the gradient of a function, or as a scaler potential. Conservative vector fields are not dependent on the path; they are path independent. Conversely, the path independence of the vector field is measured by how conservative it is. These fields are also characterized as being ir-rotational, which means they have vanishing curls. Actually, ir-rotational vector fields are conservative as long as a certain condition on the geometry of the domain is...

How To: Divide fractions and then reduce them

In this tutorial the instructor explains how to divide fractions. He gives a three step approach where in the first step we take the reciprocal of the second fraction. In the second step the newly arrived at fraction is multiplied with the original fraction. Now finally in step three the result is deduced and the answer is obtained. This video explains clearly and simply a three step procedure of how to divide fraction.

How To: Divide fractions by "flipping & dipping"

The instructor in this video gives a tutorial on how to divide fractions by "flipping & dipping" method. He says that to divide two fractions we need to follow two steps of flipping and dipping. He says to write the first fraction as it self and flip the second fraction and write it beside. Now he says that instead of dividing we are dipping and multiplying both the fractions which results in the division of the original fractions. Now after multiplying the fractions we get a fraction which c...

How To: Draw a dotted/solid line when graphing an inequality

In this video the tutor shows when to use a dotted line and when to use a solid line while graphing lines in coordinate geometry. He says that we should use a dotted line to plot an inequality which contains the symbols less than or greater than. He also says that we should use a straight line when plotting an inequality which contains the signs less than or equal to and greater than or equal to. He goes on and demonstrates this idea with some examples. This video shows how to use different l...

How To: Find the slope's unit of measure

This educational video from free math tutoring shows how to calculate the slope of a line and assign units to the answer obtained. This video assumes that the viewer is familiar with the concepts of axes and co-ordinate geometry. The narrator uses a commonly used formula to calculate the slope of the line in the first section of the video. In the second section, the narrator demonstrates how to assign units to the answer, as per the question asked.

How To: Understand positive, negative, zero & undefined slopes

This video explains how to find the sign of slope of a line. The way shown means that you can find whether it is positive or negative without knowing its equation. It uses a simple analogy so that anyone would be able to use this method, even without much math knowledge. Being able to find the slope of a line is very important, as it leads to advanced function and calculus.

How To: Find the interior angle sum of a polygon

In this tutorial the instructor shows a method to compute the interior angle sum of a polygon. He gives us the formula for the interior angle sum of a convex polygon as (n-2) * 180 where n is the number of sides of the polygon. He goes and take a 6 sided polygon as an example and does the math by substituting the value of 'n' in the equation and arrives at the result. This video clearly gives the formula and demonstrates with an example of how to calculate the sum of interior angles of a poly...

How To: Calculate the area of irregular shapes

In this tutorial the instructor shows how to compute the area of irregular shapes. He demonstrates this with an example showing an irregular area and says that as there is no direct formula to calculate it, you need to break up the irregular area into identifiable simple geometric figures. He goes on and breaks the irregular shape into a square, a triangle and a trapezoid. Now he computes the individual areas using a standard formula and sums them up to arrive at the final complete area of th...

How To: Use the Fundamental Rule of Proportions in Algebra

The author in this video explains the concept of fundamental rule of proportions. Fundamental rule of proportions means cross multiply. He explains that to arrive from an equation which has fractions into the one without equation multiply the top of left side with the bottom of right side and equal it with bottom of left side multiplied with top of the right side. In this way proportions can be cross multiplied to arrive at an algebraic expression. If you want to master the rule of proportion...

How To: Do a similarity transformation in Geometry

In this video the author shows how to do similarity transformations. He says that similarity transformations are used to draw the similar images at a different location and the k value is most important while doing this kind of transformation. He says that a negative k value tells that the copy of the shape will end at the opposite side of the origin to the original shape. He says that a positive k value tells that the copy will lie on the same side of the origin. Next thing about the k value...

How To: Multiply algebraic fractions

This video offers some insight into a few more difficult concepts of mathematics by teaching you how to multiply algebraic fractions. Given polynomials in fraction form, you should first try to factor all your polynomials into their simplest form in the hopes that some factors will be able to cancel each other out. After performing these steps, you can then combine your factored polynomials together in order to get your final product. The various examples provided in this video will offer goo...

How To: Draw a translation in Geometry

In this tutorial, the instructor shows how to do a translation in geometry. Now he shows this by using various drawings and by practically explaining it while performing the translation. He first shows how to set up the translation line and now goes on to translate each and every vertex by drawing a parallel line to the translation line through each vertex, which is the same length as the length of the translation line. Now he combines the end points of the translated lines which gives us the...

How To: Convert decimals into fractions

In this simple tutorial the author shows the basic arithmetic operations like converting a terminating decimal into a fraction. He says that the complexity depends up on the number we are converting. He asks us to imagine the decimal as a fraction with an imaginary denominator of value one. Now he intends to remove the decimal in the numerator by moving it to the right of the number and he tells us to similarly move similar number of decimal places in the denominator to maintain the original ...

How To: Add fractions with like and unlike denominators

This video shows a tutorial of adding fractions. The first example shows a fraction that has like denominators so all you had to do is add the denominators. In the second example it shows two fractions that do not have like denominators. Therefore, you need to find the greatest common factor among the two denominators. Once this is found, you multiply the fraction on both the numerator and denominator to make both of the fractions match. Then all that is left is to add the numerators to finis...

How To: Determine if a point lies on a line in slope intercept

In this video the author shows how to find out if a Point lies on a Line in Slope Intercept Form. He shows it by an example where he takes a point, which is an ordered pair in the form (x, y) and a line, which is an first degree equation. Now he substitutes the values of x and y in the equation and checks if both the sides of the equation match. If it matches we can conclude that the point lies on the line. By following the method given in this tutorial you can find out if a given point lies ...

How To: Calculate and solve for density

Density is a means of representing how much mass is contained in the body of an object. The basic formula is: Density (D) = Mass (M) / Volume (V) so D=M/V. Density is important to know for buoyancy and to understand how heavy an object is. This video will show you three examples of measuring density so you can learn and put it to good use.

How To: Multiply decimals together

This video is about multiplying decimals together. The numbers to be multiplied are 1.003 times 2.8. First, you multiply like you would normally. Apply the number of decimal places. Count total number of digits to the right of the decimals. In this case it four. Apply the number of decimal places to the result. Starting from the right move four decimal places. Put the decimal point after the "2".

How To: Find the areas of a parallelogram and a triangle

The video teaches the viewer how to find the area of a parallelogram and the area of a triangle. For a parallelogram, the first step is to find the right angle, the line perpendicular to the base (this is a line you draw, not part of the parallelogram). The height of the line that forms this right angle with the base is the perpendicular height. Next, find the length of the base. The area is the base times the height. For a triangle, find the right angle with the base (again a line you draw)....

How To: Add decimals

This video explains how to easy add decimals. Adding decimals can seem to be a tedious job, and a single mistake can result in a completely different number. In reality, it is quite easy, and with a good method and some practice it can be done quickly. Write the two sets of numbers out, lining them up in columns. Keep the decimal points on top of each other and line up the non-decimals with non-decimals and the decimals with decimals. Start at the right-most column and add it up. If it become...

How To: Divide variables

This is a helpful video provided by Math Problem Generator. It deals with the complex challenges of dividing variables. The audio is great and provides specific examples of dealing with multiple types of this problem. The video lays out three simple steps. The first being to simplify the coefficient, the second being to divide the variable, and the third being to deal with the results of the division. The information is clearly presented and best of all it's free. I think we all wish there we...

How To: Find the area of a triangle in geometry

This is a tutorial on how to find the area of a triangle. To show the viewer how it is done, the video walks us through a simple example step by step. The first step is to find the base and the height (in this example 5 and 6). The next step is to multiply them together (making 30). Next, the answer is divided by two (to get 15). Finally, the units are written next to the answer (in this case inches squared). This is beneficial as it is a very easy and user friendly way of learning how to fin...

How To: Reduce fractions for easier manipulation

You should always try to reduce a fraction until it can't be reduced anymore. To do this, look at your fraction and figure out the greatest number BOTH the numerator and denominator can be divided by. This is called the GCF - the greatest common factor. In the video, the problem you must solve is (15/18). What number can be divided into both 15 and 18 evenly? The answer is 3.

How To: Find r-value & equation of regression line w/ EL531W

Need a little help in your Statistics class? In this statistics tutorial hosted by The Free Math Tutor, a demonstration of how to use the Sharp EL531W calculator to find the correlation coefficient (r-value) and the equation of a regression line is given. Want some more practice? For exercises and answer sheets, go here.

How To: Multiply fractions

Doug Simms gives a demonstration of multiplying fraction in a simple and easy manner. The simplest problems have proper fractions to be multiplied by proper fractions, and the answer can be arrived at by simply multiplying the numerator (upper value) of one fraction with the numerator of the other, carrying out the same operation with the denominators (lower values) of the two fractions, and finally, reducing the resultant fraction by a common factor, if any. Doug also gives three other examp...

How To: Use the SOH formula in trigonometry

Need a little help in your Trig class? In this two-part math tutorial, learn how to use the SOH (sine = opposite over hypotenuse) formula in high school Trigonometry. If you'd like to practice with exercises and answer sheets, you can go here.

How To: Divide fractions

Need a little help in the fraction department? Don't sweat it. Luckily, there is this two-part math tutorial on the subject of dividing fractions to help you along the way. In part one, learn how to divide proper fractions an in part two, learn how to divide mixed numbers with whole numbers.

How To: Multiply proper & improper fractions

So, you need a little extra help in the fractions department? No problem. In this two-part vieo tutorial, learn how to multiply proper fractions and mixed numbers in part one. In part two, learn how to multiply mixed numbers & multiply sets of improper fractions.

How To: Learn Calculus in 20 minutes

Did you sleep all semester in your Calculus class? Are you just waking up now to realize you have a test on Monday and that you're totally screwed? Well, luckily you can learn an entire semester worth of Calculus in just twenty minutes... or at leasts that's the hope.

How To: Calculate standard deviation

Looking to find the standard deviation of your set of values? Standard deviation quantifies how diverse the values of your data set are, and is useful in determining how different your numbers are from each other.