How To: Get decimal forms of rational numbers

Get decimal forms of rational numbers

This video series demonstrates how to convert a rational number to a decimal. A rational number is a ratio of two numbers. In other words, these fractions can be changed into decimal form.

Get decimal forms of rational numbers - Part 1 of 5

Get decimal forms of rational numbers - Part 1 of 5 Click through to watch this video on

Get decimal forms of rational numbers - Part 2 of 5

Get decimal forms of rational numbers - Part 2 of 5 Click through to watch this video on

Get decimal forms of rational numbers - Part 3 of 5

Get decimal forms of rational numbers - Part 3 of 5 Click through to watch this video on

Get decimal forms of rational numbers - Part 4 of 5

Get decimal forms of rational numbers - Part 4 of 5 Click through to watch this video on

Get decimal forms of rational numbers - Part 5 of 5

Get decimal forms of rational numbers - Part 5 of 5 Click through to watch this video on

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