How To: Find the slope, given a graph

Find the slope, given a graph

If you watch this video, you will learn what slope is, and how to find it. Slope is defined as rise divided by run, where rise in the increase the Y coordinate and run is the increase in the X coordinate. For example, if you pick two points, you can travel from the left point to the right point. However many points you go is the run. How far up you go is the rise. For example, if your rise is 4 and your run is 2, then you divide 4 by 2 to get your slope, 2. When you're finding the rise, if you go to the right, you get a positive number. If you go to the left, you get a negative number. For the run, if you go up, you get a positive number. If you go down, you get a negative number.

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